Saturday, January 14, 2012

VIDEO// Dominant Legs: Make Time For The Boy

The second video to fall from within the folds of Dominant Legs' LP 'Invitation', 'Make Time For The Boy' is the San Franciscan quintet's answer to a pop-ballad. Nostalgically dreamy and surreal and smothered in vintage sensibilities, Ryan Lynch and Hannah Hunt relay an incredible tale of lost love and the consequent determination to rediscover it. I'll admit that the perhaps overly-sentimental and dewy-eyed chorus was dripping in too much sugar for my liking, but the awe-inspiring saxophone work in the second half easily makes up for it! I was captivated by everyone involved, but Raina Mieloch's performance as our protagonist was exceptional at worst, her beauty highlighted by shy smiles and mesmerising eyes. An extrordiary journey plays out before yours however, from bedroom to landing to a strange party downstairs. The band-members dance a surreal dance, absent-mindedly following a pre-planned routine, often absent smile but never absent warmth. Well-filmed by Jonathan Yi, watch the video for 'Make Time For The Boy' above and discover their wondrous world!