Sunday, January 22, 2012

MP3// Heidi Mortenson: Dele Af Kroppen

Heidi Mortenson dropped 'Dele Af Kroppen' early this month, as the first track from her EP 'Mørk'. It's set to drop on March 5th and marks a noticeable change for this Scandinavian! Utilising her native Danish for the first time, Mortenson's vocals retain this strange, surreal sensibility, that lies attenuated under a layer of subtly melodic reverberation. Electronically charged phrases whisper and whirr below stunning horns, their every breath billowing with icy persuasion into this cold January morning. To even try to fathom a lyrical interpretation would be rash on my behalf, but the sense of a deeper, almost mythological muse is easy to conceive. Heidi's singing is mature, supported by a fabled understanding that holds the weight of an empyrean, primordial truth. A tale of monsters and faith and heroes seems to materialise from the sonic shore, dripping in nostalgia and an illustrious immortal allure. A beautifully understated finish ends 'Dele Af Kroppen' as well as it had began, the warm of the five-piece horn section prevailing in its persistence to remain in your head. A fantastic number indeed, hear 'Dele Af Kroppen' up above, and look out for the EP 'Mørk' in March!