Sunday, December 11, 2011

MP3// Julia Holter: Marienbad

'Marienbad' is taken from Julia Holter's forthcoming record 'Ekstasis' which is set to drop a few days into March next year. It's one incredible song, running through a number of tonal changes within its five nostalgic minutes, and that's a variation so wonderfully attenuated I grinned from ear to ear when I realised what was happening! From an autumn garden, the leaves flutter as Holter blows a breeze with her classical vibes and simple electronic beat. The sound builds as fairytale melodies hide amongst the eternal afternoon. The voice is a stunning blend of the innocent and the reminiscent, almost trance-like in a heart breaking kind of way. Tension grows however, pulling memories taunt with a more defined, deeper beat. The vocals become noisy and complicated. The dream falls apart, highlighted by the laments of angels and the drums of reality come closer. An almighty hum cuts out, leaving stark clock chimes echoing in the coldest manner imaginable. We return to that paradise though, running through the long grass and paddling in the peacefully still lake. Bird calls harmonise and make for an amazing end to a brilliant song. Stream 'Marienbad' up above.